Sexual Misconduct By Doctors
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Dr. Robert Altman

Specialty: OB/GYN

Practice's Name: Women's Health Center

City / Location: Modesto, CA  

Dr. Altman is a well-respected ob/gyn and a high-profile physician, as president and chief executive officer of Gould Medical Group.

He sexually abused one woman with an assistant present which proves that a chaperone is useless. See more details on the case below.

A woman identified as “Patient 1” in the Medical Board accusation told an investigator the physician touched her clitoris in a pronounced manner during an examination in December 2020. The Modesto woman, then 54, had made an appointment for follow-up care and told Altman in the exam room she was going through a stressful divorce and her mother was dying.

According to the complaint, the doctor brushed away her tears, placed his hand over her hands and hugged her. The woman said later it made her feel uncomfortable.

During the genital examination, an assistant was in the room but stood behind Altman, several feet away, and could not see how he touched the patient, the report said. The woman said she was shocked and upset over the vaginal exam, and when she switched to a female specialist, her new gynecologist said she should report the incident.

Articles in News

California medical board accuses high-profile doctor of sexual misconduct  (The Sacramento Bee)

Board to decide fate of Modesto doctor accused of misconduct  (The Modesto Bee)


Last Updated: 9/19/2024



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